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Role in Development: Concept Designer, Game Designer, Project lead

Grab n Go

This is an Advergame that was made for a submission, the task was to present a full high concept document on the reason for making the game as well as the mechanics involved, This is the final product that is linked to the Checkers 60 App

Unity, Procreate

Cancer Killer

Cancer Killer, was a game that was made under a 48-hour game Jam condition,  Our group was given the task to make a game the educates people about cancer as well as having the player trying to finish an objective ahead, in this game you play as a Tank that has to finish all the minigame levels while trying to survive the cancerous Cells that chase after you. (These Cells used AI to follow the player)

Unity, Procreate


Role in Development: Concept Designer, Game Designer, Project lead

Oh No My Books!

This is a Platforming survival game that has a twist of Tetris involved, this was our game submission for Ludum Dare 55, the theme for this was Summon

You as an aspiring Wizard need to save his collection at the top of the tower while trying to escape the lava that rises below, this lava below may have been spawned by accident from a very not so talented Wizard

Unity, Procreate


Role in Development: Concept Designer, Game Designer, Project lead


A 3D platformer game where you play as robot names LUCAS tasked with delivering a cable to a power generation unit, it is up to the player that determines if the power gets back to the grid to save the local areas wildlife and human expansion

Role in Development: Concept Designer, Level Designer, 3D Artist

Unity, Procreate


Taxi Rush

Retro open world taxi simulator based in South Africa where you have to drive around and pick up passengers and lift them to their location

Role in Development: Concept Designer, Level Designer, 3D Artist, Project Lead

Unity, Procreate


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